Fobs4JMF in Windows XP and Netbeans
Looking for a way to play video in java I found a project called Fobs4JMF. It's a PlugIn which allows to use the wide range of formats supported by ffmpeg in your Java applications.
If you want to try that, you have to follow the next steps:
1. Install the latest JMF version
2. Download Fobs4JMF from here.
3. Extract in a folder (For example in C:\). See the screenshot:
2.Include C:\fobs4jmf_0.4.2_win32\fobs4jmf.jar and C:\fobs4jmf_0.4.2_win32\jmf.jar; into your java classpath environment variable (or include it directly in the command line invocation of java): If you have extracted in C:\ drive, then you can add directly this paths
See the screenshot:
Thereafter, follow these steps:
1. Launch JMStudio (java JMStudio).
2. Go to File->Preferences
3. Enter the "Plugins" tab
4. In the "Demultiplexer" tab, add the class "" and commit.
5. In the "Codec" tab, add the class "" and commit.
6. In the "Codec" tab, add the class "" and commit.
7. In the "Codec" tab, add the class "" and commit.
8. Go to the "Packages" tab
9. Include "com.omnividea" in both the Protocol Prefix and the Context Prefix list. Move both of them up to the first position. Commit both. See screenshot.
After these steps, the jmf plugin is installed in the system and will be used automatically when needed, not only by JMStudio but also by any program that uses the JMF plugin [1].
If you are using netbeans IDE you have to add fobs4jmf.jar to your classpath project. It should look like that:
Dont' forget to leave a comment.
Hola Muchas gracias funciona de maravilla... :-)
ResponderBorrarPero tengo una pregunta no se si te ocurrió esto también a ti, que cuando se reproduce el video comienza a mostrar unos warnings y errores en la consola, sabes como hacer que no ocurra esto???
--> Inicia todo bien ;-)
Fobs4JMF - Native shared library found
26.6667First Position: 0, 33 Duration: 26666
Frame Rate: 30
Number of channels: 2
Opening Thread[JMF thread:[ ] ( configureThread),9,system]
Fobs Java2DRenderer: setInputFormat
Fobs Java2DRenderer: setInputFormat
Fobs Java2DRenderer: start
--> Aquí empieza a arrojar este tipo de mensajes durante toda la reproducción del video...
[mpeg1video @ 63DACB08]Warning MVs not available
[mpeg1video @ 63DACB08]concealing 1 DC, 1 AC, 1 MV errors
[mpeg1video @ 63DACB08]Warning MVs not available
[mpeg1video @ 63DACB08]concealing 3 DC, 3 AC, 3 MV errors
[mpeg1video @ 63DACB08]concealing 3 DC, 3 AC, 3 MV errors
[mpeg1video @ 63DACB08]concealing 1 DC, 1 AC, 1 MV errors
[mpeg1video @ 63DACB08]concealing 1 DC, 1 AC, 1 MV errors
Espero me puedas dar una idea de esto, gracias muy útil este post...
Christian Mora